Thursday  Sept 30, 2021 or earlier

We will have more space and encourage you to come to Arthur earlier and enjoy or Downtown. We have some teams that arrive Tuesday and Wednesday and stay thru Sunday. Easy set up and lots to do around Amish country. Set-up anytime- competition teams and food stands may arrive and set up. Please let me know when you send your registration form if you wish to come in on Thursday or earlier or email or call near event time if you want to come in earlier..

Friday Oct 1st, 2021

KCBS BBQ Competition

8:00AM – 4:00PM–Main KCBS Team Registration and Set-Up. KCBS Meat Inspector available when you set up Friday or anytime thereafter.

4:00PM to 4:30PM KCBS Cooks Meeting at the judging HQ Bldg- Methodist Church on East Illinois St.
1 block East of Vine St. -or- One Block East Of the Wood Loft – or – 1 block east of last years Judging and Turin in location.

Let us know if you will be late and not able to make this meeting.

6pm  Sausage Turn-in KCBS Only
6:30- Wing Turn IN – KCBS Only
(enter either, any  all or none – no charge with KCBS entry fee)

Saturday Oct 2, 2021

These times apply to the KCBS  bbq competition schedule – If you are a visitor… the BBQ stands will be open from about 9:30-10am to 3pm .

6am – Noon Biscuits and Gravy, Cinnamon Rolls or Breakfast Sandwiches at Heartland Deli Downtown -205 S Vine

KCBS Program Schedule

9AM – 10:00AM    KCBS Judges Registration at Methodist Church

10:00AM    KCBS Judges Meeting

KCBS Contest Turn-In
12:00 noon – Chicken (11:55 to 12:05)
12:30PM – Ribs  (12:25 to 12:35)
1:00PM – Pork Butt   (12:55 to 1:05)
1:30PM – Brisket  (1:25 to 1:35)

Awards Ceremony at Judging HQ building at 3:00pm Saturday

note – this page may be updated at any time… This page will contain the most current information on event times and will supersede any time listed on other pages.